Practice Policies
Privacy Policy
Dapto Medical & Family Practice as a health provider in the private sector is bound by the National Privacy Principles. These principles set the standards by which we handle personal information collected from our patients. A copy of these principles is available to download from the link below. A hard copy can be obtained at the reception desk.
Interpreter Service
We understand that communication is key to good healthcare, which is why we offer translation services, including the Translating and Interpreter Service (TIS), National Relay Service (NRS, and National Auslan Interoreter Booking Service (NABS). If you require additional communication support, please let our reception team know at least 48 hours before you appointment.

Personal Health Information and Your Medical Records
Information collected may be used and disclosed for communicating relevant information with other treating doctors, specialists or allied health professionals. For follow up reminders/recall notices, accounting, Medicare, health insurance procedures, quality assurance activities such as accreditation, dustdisease notification as required by law (e.g. infection diseases), for use by all doctors in this practice when consulting with you, for legal related disclosure as required by court of law (e.g. subpoena, court order, suspected child abuse) and for research purposes (de-identified).
Dapto Medical & Family Practice Acknowledges all obligations regarding confidentiality as stated in the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000. Personal information collected by this practice, either through this form or the consultative process, will be used exclusively to achieve optimal health care for you. We may however be obligated to share this information with other health organisations for statistical or reporting purpose as considered necessary under the relevant legislation- Including but not limited to Medicare, Centrelink, RMS, EHealth (My Health Record), Australian Immunisation Register, Sentinel Practices Data Sourcing (SPDS). If you have any questions regarding privacy a copy of the guidelines is available at reception, or any of our staff would be happy to address any concerns you might have.
Recall/Reminder System
Our practice now uses secure mobile messages (SMS) to send recalls / clinical reminders to patients about upcoming health appointments, such as skin checks, cervical tests and blood tests etc. The SMS’ will replace letters sent in the post.
Why SMS?
As well as being a more environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional letters, SMS is more secure because you can only read the health message after verifying your personal information, and more reliable because messages have less chance of being lost.
What do I need to do?
When you receive an SMS, open the message and click on the secure link. You’ll be taken to a screen where you will need to verify your personal information, including your last name and date of birth. Once you have verified your identity you can read your recall health message. From here you can book your appointment for a time convenient to you.
Please note that you’ll need to be connected to the Internet, or have data on your phone, for the link to work. If your phone is connected to the internet and you still can’t access the link, please call us at (02) 4261 6888.
P.N. Recall/ Reminder letters will be sent to those patients who do not respond or have opted out of our SMS messenger system. Double click on text below to download the Patient Information Sheet on Recall and Reminders.
Patient Information Sheet on Recall and Reminders
Consultation is by appointment. Longer appointments are available on request. If more than one person from your family wishes to see the doctor at the same time, please ensure a separate appointment is made for each patient. Urgent cases will be seen on the day. Please notify us as soon as possible if you are unable to attend an appointment.
Our practice is excited to announce that we’re now using HotDoc to send out appointment reminders via SMS. This method is a more secure and reliable way to remind patients about their upcoming appointments.
When you receive a reminder by SMS, there are two ways you can confirm or cancel your appointment:
- Click on the secure link, and follow the instructions
- Or simply reply ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ to the SMS
Please do not reply with anything aside from a ‘YES’ or a ‘NO’, otherwise your reply might not be understood. Please also note that you do not need to phone us to confirm or cancel your appointment. If however, you prefer to speak to someone in person, feel free to phone us on: (02) 4261 6888.
We hope you understand that delays sometime occur due to unforseen circumstances which are beyond our control. At all times we endeavour to make your wait as short as possible.
Home Visits
If you are too ill to attend the surgery and wish your doctor to make a home visit, please call the surgery before 12 noon.
After Hours
When you call 4261 6888 between 6:00pm and 8.00am a recording will give you a telephone number of the Wollongong Medical Service who will tend to your call.
Availability of Doctors by Phone
Doctors in the practice may be contacted by the phone during normal surgery hours. If your call is urgent, it will be treated as such and you will be put straight through to the doctor. When doctors are with a patient, a message will be taken and your call will be returned as soon as possible.
Repeat prescription and referrals
The doctors require to see the patient to avoid error and confusion with medications. Doctors in this practice are competent at handling all the common health problems. When necessary, they are able to draw on opinion from specialist, and if need be, refer you for further investigation. It is helpful if we have as much notice as possible in which to deal with your request.
Due to the confidentiality act we are unable to give results over the phone. We may advise you if your results are back but unable to issue further details. If you are calling to find out if your test results (or any other correspondence from specialist and allied health professionals) have returned please call after 11:30am and before 2:00pm. All results have to be seen by the doctor as we obtain them; this gives the doctor some time to go through them.
Wheelchair access / parking
Wheelchair access is available at both the front and back doors. We have several car places available which have been designated for disabled parking.
Aged Care facility
We visit selected local nursing homes and hostels. Please speak to your doctor for further information.
All doctors continue to keep up to date with all forms of immunisation requirements for babies, children as well as overseas travellers. We have a supply on hand of most vaccines you may require. Our registered nurses are well informed of immunisation requirements.
From 1st of October 2022 DMFP will be implementing Mixed Billing. Please view the Fess & Charges page for more information
Patient Feedback
This helps us to improve our services to you. From time to time this practice invites patients to complete a questionnaire on their views of the practice and how it could be improved. These surveys are completely confidential.
Medical Students
Throughout the year Dapto Medical & Family Practice will have students from Wollongong University Graduate School of Medicine involved in various stages throughout their studies. You may, at times be requested by the staff to be seen by the students but you have the option if refusing. Please notify our staff if you do not wish to be consulted by the Medical students.
If you are unhappy with any aspect of the care you receive from this practice, we are keen to know about it. Please feel free to discuss any issues with your doctor, or you can contact Sophie or Usha (Practice Managers). We also have a suggestion box placed on the front counter, where you are welcome to put your comments in.
We believe problems are best dealt within the practice. However, if you feel there is a problem you wish to take up outside, you may contact the NSW Government centre for handling complaints.
The address is: Health Care Complaints commission, Locked Bag 18, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 (Tel: 02 9219 7444)
Social Media
Dapto Medical And Family Practice/ Keiraville Surgery Does Not Participate or Use Social Media e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.